How Do You Count Cards

  1. How Do You Count Cards
  2. How Do You Count Cards In Gin Rummy
  3. How Do You Count Cards In Bridge
  4. How Do You Count Cards In Spades

Counting 15s in hand It is a good idea to remember 3 typical pairs, that give you 15 in total i.e. 7+8, 6+9, 5+10 If you do not see the above template pairs, but have at least one card from such pairs, you can try to find 3-card combinations to complete the sum to 15 with using the same pattern. Card counting at poker must therefore mean the same as 'how to count outs,' or in other words, 'how to count cards that you can win with.' Counting outs in poker consists of calculating all the unseen hands, the hands with winning potential and then comparing those groups between each other. So how does counting cards at poker work? Say you're on the turn with a flush draw and you wonder how likely it is. Card counting is simply tagging plus values and minus values, and you can do that with any number of decks. However, it does get trickier the more decks you add-in. When you add in ore decks you need to divide the count (running count) by the number of decks (true count) - more on that below. How to Count Cards in Blackjack (21).

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Blackjack is one of the most popular Casino games in the world. The reason why it is many players' favourite is the fact that it has the best RTP and the highest payouts of all Casino games.

However, what if we told you that you could increase the RTP even more if you use a special technique called 'card counting'?

You must have already heard about it if you have some experience with Blackjack. But you have probably always thought that counting cards in Blackjack is only for geniuses who know their way around numbers.


You don't need to be Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory to count cards in Blackjack.

Counting cards in Blackjack has nothing to do with memorising numbers or utilising complex formulas.

The technique is based on a simple set of principles you should follow closely to get the best results.

Discover how to count cards in Blackjack and get more chances to win when you engage a dealer in a game of 21.

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Check out the best free Blackjack games online and use them practice card counting.

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What Is Card Counting?

Card counting is a technique in Blackjack that allows players to know when the advantage in the game shifts in their favour.

When that happens, they will increase their bets and win more than the house. When the advantage shifts in the dealer's favour, they will decrease their bets and lay low.

Easy, right?

By following a set of rules and adjusting their bets accordingly, the players (i.e. you) can win more over a longer period of time than when solely relying on luck and basic gameplay.

The idea of card counting is based on a scientifically proven principle that high-value cards are more beneficial for the player, whereas low-value cards are more beneficial for the dealer.

We'll teach you how to make this rule work in your favour.

How Does Card Counting Work?

How Do You Count Cards

Before talking more about card counting techniques, it's important to note that in Blackjack the cards are not shuffled after every round.

Instead, they are counted when the number of cards in a deck/decks decreases sufficiently.

After a deck is shuffled, there is an equal number of low and high cards in the deck.

As the game proceeds, the ratio of low and high cards changes. As we have already mentioned, high cards are beneficial for the player and low cards are beneficial for the dealer.

The dealer benefits from low cards because they are obligated to hit hands 12 to 16. If there are more low cards in the deck, there is a higher chance that the dealer will not bust when they hit.

To know when the deck is more saturated with high or low cards, the players assign values to the cards and then add them together.

  • Cards 2-6 have a value of +1
  • Cards 10-A have a value of -1
  • Cards 7-9 have a value of 0 (because they benefit neither the dealer nor the players)

Card counters must pay attention to every card that enters the table and calculate the total sum of the cards.

If the sum of all cards is positive at the end of the round, the player will bet more in the next round. However, if the sum is negative, they will bet less.

The more cards have been played and the higher the positive count, the more money the player should bet in the next round. It's as simple as that!

How Do You Count Cards In Gin Rummy

Is Card Counting Legal?

Card counting seems illegal because you are basically trying to outsmart the Casino.

However, that's exactly what you're trying to do and nothing more. Therefore, no matter what anyone tells you (including Casinos), card counting is completely legal.

But (there's always a but), Casinos have the right to refuse to provide services to whomever they wish, whenever they wish, for whatever reason they deem valid.

Therefore, if Casino officials notice that you have decreased their edge by counting cards, they might refuse to allow you to play in their Casino the next time you come.

More often than not, you will be prohibited to play Blackjack while other games will still be available to you.

However, catching a card counter is not that easy, so it does not happen often. Therefore, you can start learning card counting techniques and not worry about getting caught

Pros and Cons of Card Counting

All that glitters is not gold is a popular proverb we should take into account when talking about the pros and cons of card counting.

Like many other things in life, card counting in Blackjack has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the disadvantages first.

As we have mentioned above, even though card counting is not illegal and you cannot be prosecuted or sent to jail for it, it is still regarded as cheating.

Casinos monitor every table and every player at each table, which increases the player's stress levels when playing. Card counting will increase your chances of winning but it will also decrease the fun factor.

On the other hand, the main advantage of card counting is winning. Who does not like to win often? Blackjack has the highest RTP in Casinos, but the Casino's house edge can never be low enough, in our opinion.

If you do card counting right, you will definitely increase your bankroll.

Advanced Card Counting Techniques

The card counting technique we explained above is called the Hi-Lo technique. However, there are other, more advanced techniques, you should also practice once you have mastered the basic ones.

Omega 2

Omega 2 Blackjack card counting is also based on assigning cards a certain value, but the values are different:

  • 2, 3 and 7 are counted as 1
  • 4, 5 or 6 are counted as 2
  • 9 is counted as -1
  • 10 and all picture cards are -2
  • 8 and Ace are valued 0

Contrary to the Hi-Lo method, a positive count means more low-value cards in the deck and a negative count means more high-value cards.

Wong Halves

Wong Halves is a balanced system invented by Stanford Wong. It is an advanced technique that uses full and half values:

  • 3, 4 and 6 are counted as 1
  • 2 and 7 are counted as 0.5
  • 5 is counted as 1.5
  • 8 is counted as 0
  • 9 is counted as -0.5
  • 10, Ace, and picture cards are counted as -1

To simplify this method, double the value of each card and avoid having to deal with decimal numbers.

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Blackjack has to be one of the most popular card games in casinos across the world.The game attracts both serious players and casual gamblers, as both want to make as much money as possible.

There are different methods to secure a winning hand. Yet nothing is more effective than card counting. So, if you want to beat the odds to ensure the game works in your favor, we are showing you how to count cards and why it works.

What is Card Counting?

You can’t start counting cards until you know how the strategy will work.

You must learn about the foundations first.

The most valuable cards in blackjack are, of course, aces, tens and face cards.

The least valuable cards will be your 5s and 6s cards. Why? Because these two cards can sometimes result in a hand turning bust.

This basic knowledge will often determine the success of your card counting strategy.

Basic Card Counting Techniques

It’s not unusual for some players to be a little intimidated at the prospect of counting cards.

Many people who have watched movies such as Rain Man will often believe you have to have a great memory.

There is a misconception that card counting is all about memory, as a result, when it actually isn’t.

There is much more skill to it than that – and you can learn it if you’re willing to try.

A card counting strategy can work when you assign different values to various card types.

For instance, the card values are commonly assigned as:

  • 2 to 6 cards = +1
  • 7 to 9 cards = 0
  • Aces and tens = -1

Not only must you assign values to the cards, but you must also learn about the running count.

The running count is the total card score where it stands in the game.

So, if the shown cards were a 6, two 10s, a 2 and a 7, the overall running count would be: -1, -1,+2 and +0 = 0.

As a result, the running count will help you to identify if the deck is hot or low. If it is low, it will prove there are better cards in the remaining deck.

If you don’t learn to master the running count, you will never be able to master a card counting strategy.

How to Use Your Knowledge

Let’s face it, the reason you want to learn how to count cards is to make as much money as possible.

To do so, you will have to learn how to successfully balance your bets.

So, you must use your knowledge to bet hard when you have a favorable deck. You must also learn when to scale back on a bet if there are many low cards still in the deck.

It’s also essential to note that most casinos will use more than one deck.

The rules will be the same, but you will have to learn how to count multiple decks during a game.

How do you know many decks will be in play? Most casinos will state how many decks they will use in the game.

So, you must carefully consider the running count against the amount of decks.

It might sound difficult, but the technique will become easier the more you play.

The Hi-Low Method

Beginners should try to master the hi-low method when starting out.

It is a simple system that can be a superb place to start card counting. Yet, it is not the most accurate method.

The Red Seven Approach

Counting cards is no easy task, which is why the Red Seven approach can simplify the process.

So, the rules are to count all red 7s as +1 instead of a 0. Also, black 7s will also be counted as a 0.

The Omega II Approach

The Omega II approach is a little more complex than the Red Seven method.

Here’s how it works:

  • 2, 3 and 7 cards = 1
  • 2, 5 and 6 cards = 2
  • 9 cards = 1
  • 10s and picture cards = 2
  • Aces and 8 cards = 0

It might be a little more complicated than Red Sevens, but it can improve your chances of securing a winning hand.

Yet, this is probably not the best approach for first-time card counters.

What Skills Do You Need to Play Cards?

How Do You Count Cards In Bridge

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to counting cards.

Most people should be able to do it with a little hard work, but you must ensure you maintain focus if you want to win a hand.

How Do You Count Cards In Spades

You will also have to add up in an instant, whilst keeping your eye on the hands on the table, so it helps to be good with math.

If maths isn’t a problem, counting cards will more than likely come more natural to you.

It’s also a game for people who can blend into the background with ease.

Counting cards can have you run out of a casino if you are unfortunately caught.

You must learn to casually glance around the table to spot all the cards. It’s all in the facial expressions.

Does Card Counting Really Work?

Card counting can work if you are willing to put the time and effort into learning the skill.

Edward O. Thorp released his book “Beat the Dealer” in 1962, which inspired millions of amateurs to start card counting.

One amateur who used the skills to his advantage was Bill Gross.

The world-renowned bond guru had the focus and maths skills to master card counting. So much so that he won $10,000 at a Las Vegas blackjack table, which funded his UCLA degree.

In fact, Bill Gross has stated that learning to count cards taught him about risk in business. How? Because he learned to avoid high-stake bets.

So, learn about the most valuable and least valuable cards and master the running count. This will give you the foundation for a winning hand.

The more time you put into developing the skill, the greater the reward will be.

Counting cards in casinos

Want to follow in the footsteps of Edward O.Thorp and Bill Gross? We recommend reading Casino Room’s post on card counting.

Have you got any card counting skills you would like to share? We would love to read your helpful tips. Please feel free to write a comment below.

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