How To Always Win At Bingo

Just make sure to always play within your budget and always be prepared just in case you lose that money. How to Win at Bingo Tips Bingo Tip #1: If a bit of fun is your aim, keep an eye out for the chat games that come with most games. These are run by a chat moderator, and normally involve choosing 1 or 2 numbers before a game starts.

Online bingo is a game of chance but this does not mean that online bingo strategies don’t work. They can and will help you to increase your chances of winning. If you have played live bingo before – the kind you will play in your local church or hall, then you may be familiar with some of the strategies used by the more experienced players. There are hundreds of players winning every second with so many online bingo halls and progressive jackpots can reach into the millions. Keno and slots are games loved by bingo fans and are often played as side games.

How To Play 75 & 90 Ball Bingo

As with any form of bingo, online bingo is a game of chance, pure and simple.
You can maximize your chances of winning by buying more tickets, but that means you have to increase your outlay and therefore your risk.

  1. One bingo ball is drawn at a time. Players should only mark their card if they have that number. You can win prizes by marking off 1 line, 2 lines, a pattern or a full house. Please play responsibly, 18+
  2. The best way to win at bingo is to make sure you’re using your money wisely. Set yourself a budget Bingo doesn’t have to cost the earth. Work out what you can afford and stick to it.
  3. How To Win Online Bingo – tips, tricks and secrets. Tips, tricks and secrets! That got you excited, didn’t it! First the bad news – online bingo is 100% a game of chance and there are NO cheat codes. Nor is there any skill involved in the actual gameplay as it all takes place automatically with no need to match numbers yourself or call bingo faster than anyone else.
  4. You can always check how to win bingo prizes for your specific game by tapping the game info box or the “i” icon, which also shows any jackpot info too. Each time a player wins, you’ll see a win message announcing their name and their prize. Give ‘em a shout out in the chat room! HOW TO WIN AT 90 BALL BINGO.

Online bingo tends to come in 2 formats, 90 ball, and 75 ball. With 90 ball, you get tickets with 15 number, spaced out from 1 to 90, with no more than 3 in any block of 10’s.

There are normally 3 prizes in a game, a small one for the first player to mark of a horizontal line of 5 numbers, a slightly bigger one for the first player to mark of 2 horizontal lines, and then the main prize, the full house prize, that goes to the first player to mark off all 15 of their numbers.

How to always win bingo game

If 2 or more people win a prize on the same number, the prize is split equally between them all.
Unlike land-based bingo, you do not have to check your numbers off, this is done automatically for you. It does take away some of the excitement of land-based bingo where you would need to shout loudly if you win, but because of this online bingo is more social.

75 ball bingo is the same basis, but there is normally just one prize. You receive a ticket with a 5 by 5 grid of numbers, the middle square is normally free for all players, giving you 24 numbers to mark off, more than the 15 for 90 ball despite there being fewer numbers in play.

In some games you need to mark off all of your numbers in order to win, some games you just need a line or four corners, and others have a specific pattern such as a cross. Check with the lobby before you start so you know what the aim of each game is, although as mentioned previously you don’t have to do anything yourself as the computer takes care of this when playing online.

Bingo Strategy

Bingo Strategy #1:

Here is one of the decisions you have to make when you come to choosing a strategy – if you are there to have fun and enjoy yourself, you may be better looking at 90 ball as the 3 prizes mean you are more likely to win something to prolong your gaming experience.

If you are there to try and win as much money as possible, 75 ball bingo may well be better for you as there is only 1 prize meaning this tends to be bigger if the same number of players register.

Bingo Strategy #2:

Play progressive jackpots. These games at times can reach the millions, but make sure to play at only accredited online bingo sites. The more players a site has the larger the jackpot grows. Networked games can also be really exciting and are going on all the time. You can also find buy 3 get 3 free tickets etc to these games which increase your odds of winning.

Bingo Strategy #3:

Play More Cards By playing more cards per game you’ll be increasing your chances of winning. With more cards available you stand a better chance of getting bingo and therefore you will immediately begin to win more.

Bingo Strategy #4:

Fewer players- When you play bingo, you’ll be competing against other players for the jackpot. Therefore it’s wise to play when there are fewer people logged into the site. If there are 50 players logged in, your chances of winning are much smaller than if there are online 20 other people logged in.

The only downside of this is that the prize pools will be much smaller and of course the chat room will be a lot quieter. When you consider that the interaction between bingo players is a large part of playing online bingo games, it’s not always the best idea to play when there are fewer players.

Bingo Strategy #5:

Play at established bingo sites to ensure that you improve your winnings. They normally offer 1tg and 2tg games as well as bogof tickets, which increase your odds dramatically. Another way is to aim at playing at websites that offer the biggest jackpots. By playing at the more established websites you stand a greater chance of making a bigger profit if you win.

How To Always Win At Bingo Lottery

Bingo Strategy #6:

Chat Room Games- An easy way to win some bonus bucks and even prizes is to play in the chat games. These are played while the normal game is running.

Bingo Strategy #7:

Play side games that you’re lucky at. Most of us have a game that we tend to be more lucky at. Mine is roulette, for some, it can be slots. Just make sure to always play within your budget and always be prepared just in case you lose that money.

How to Win at Bingo Tips

Bingo Tip #1:

If a bit of fun is your aim, keep an eye out for the chat games that come with most games. These are run by a chat moderator, and normally involve choosing 1 or 2 numbers before a game starts. If your numbers come out, you will have to claim a prize in the chat. This is normally a fairly small amount, but regular little wins from these kinds of games can soon add up and if it means you can buy an extra ticket or two in the next game, you can increase your chances of winning a bigger prize.

Bingo Tip of #2:

Many sites these days also offer a progressive jackpot. This is triggered if you call bingo on a 90 ball game in a set number of calls or less, usually between 38 and 45. This very rarely happens, most games will go to 60 or more numbers before anyone marks all 15 numbers off, but these jackpots can get into the hundreds of thousands of pounds so no one is likely to turn down the chance to win it!

Bingo Tip #3:

The evenings and weekends tend to be the busiest times at online bingo sites as more people generally have free time. Whilst this means your chances of winning are reduced as more players will mean more cards in play, it also means higher prize money.

Bingo Tip is #4:

Many sites run high guaranteed games of several thousand pounds in prize money at least once or twice a week, a win in one of these is often worth more than 20 or 30 wins in smaller games. Some of these also offer ‘runner-up’ prizes of a % of the prize pool for any players that only have 1 number left (referred to by sites as 1TG – 1 to go). Whilst not as high as the main full house prize, it can nonetheless give you a bit of extra money to play with.

Bingo Tip #5:

Another thing to think about is how many tickets you buy. Each game will have a maximum with each ticket costing a set amount, some games have tickets for 1p whilst some cost £1. As you would expect, the more you pay for a ticket, the more money there is likely to be in the prize pool.

Although each ticket has an equal amount of chances of winning, clearly the more tickets you buy the more chance you have of holding the winning ticket.


Bingo Tip #6:

You will also see side games on most online bingo sites. These are normally the most popular casino games such as a small range of slots, blackjack and/or roulette. These can be addictive to play in between games or whilst you are watching the numbers being drawn, but they can also quickly mean your balance reduces quite quickly. Ensure you play within your means and don’t overspend on slots or other games if your main enjoyment is bingo.


To sum up, there are really 2 types of bingo players, those who come onto enjoy themselves and relax whilst making friends, and those who are trying to win money over and above all else.

If you are the former and just out for a bit of fun, your strategy should involve mainly 90 ball bingo to maximise your chances of winning a prize, taking part in as many chat games as possible to socialise and top up your balance and play in the day if you want a better chance of winning a smaller prize.

If you are out to win as much as possible, 75 ball bingo is probably better as there is only 1 prize most of the time, play the larger guaranteed games in the evenings and weekends and maximize your tickets where possible, and try to play only 90 ball games that count towards the progressive jackpot. Whilst the odds are winning are split between hundreds of players, someone has to, and as the saying goes – It could be you!

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While strictly a game of chance, there are ways to increase the odds to win at bingo. You have no control over the numbers that are drawn so you can only do so much to improve your odds. Bingo is a simple game, so the methods you can employ to improve your chances are simple in nature as well.

  1. Get ready early

This one is general and will obviously apply to any form of bingo. It isn’t a scientific theory, but being ready when the first number (or ball) is drawn will ensure you’re on your game. Professional athletes get to their events early so they have plenty of time to prepare themselves for a top quality performance. While bingo isn’t a professional sport, arriving early enough so you can buy the books you want, catch up with friends, set yourself up on a table, lay out your lucky charms and buy any drinks and snacks you’ll need will have you ready to go. Rushing in and throwing your belongings on the table as the first number is called is no way to prepare.

Ball bingo

The following tips apply to traditional bingo, which features a caged wheel of numbered balls that spin randomly before being individually drawn. This is a bit different to how it is played at Lantern Club, which – don’t worry! – you’ll learn about later.

  1. Counting numbers

In a wheel-of-balls game, more serious bingo players who understand the concepts of mathematical probability may employ a more complex theory based on predictability. Depending on how many balls are used in the game, there should theoretically be a uniform pattern as to how they are called. There should be an even distribution of odd and even numbers, high and low numbers and numbers ending in one, two, three, four, etc. So it stands to reason that the longer you are in the game, the more likelihood your numbers will eventually be called. So, if you have a set budget, instead of buying many books and playing in fewer games, the better tactic might be to play fewer books in more games. All players play the same amount of games.
A mathematical analyst by the name of Joseph E. Granville proposed the idea that the best way of winning in this form of bingo was to buy cards that had an even distribution of odds and evens, high and low numbers, and numbers ending in each of the single digits 0-9. His suggestion was that in the long run, you’ll get an equal number of numbers called, so it makes sense to have an even distribution of numbers on every card. The problem with Granville’s theory is his reputation as a stock market investor is deplorable, with his stock choices depreciating by 20% year on year based on his ability as a mathematical analyst!

  1. The Tippett Theory

British statistician L.H.C Tippett came up with a complex theory about randomness that may or may not be true (there is no statistical evidence supporting the theory), but you can be the judge of it for yourself. Tippett’s theory suggests the more numbers called in a wheel-of-balls game, the more likely those numbers will gravitate towards the median number. For example, if there are 99 bingo balls in play, and it’s a short game, choose cards with numbers closer to 1 and 99. If it’s a long game, choose numbers that are closer to the median number, 45. Skilled bingo players will know which games will go for longer and which games are usually decided in fewer calls.

Bingo by books

The following tips apply to the alternative to ball bingo which uses books or cards. This is how we play at here at Lantern Club in Canterbury.

  1. Play as many books as you can

You need to know your capabilities for this tactic to work. If you buy too many books (some games may use ‘cards’ instead) there’s a real chance you’ll miss numbers as they are called. If this happens there is virtually zero chance of winning on those books. So while you should play as many books as possible, knowing your limitations is the key. How much difference can buying more books make? If there are 20 players in a game and everyone has one book each, you’ll have a 5% chance of winning. Alternatively, if everyone in the game has one book but you have four books, you now have a 17% chance of winning. As you can see, having more books than others can increase your chances considerably. You can work out the odds of winning each game by simply dividing the number of books in play by the number of people playing. This is obviously easier said than done when there are many players and lots of books but even a good guess will give you some idea of your chances.

  1. Understand game sizes

Some say the best to win is to ensure there are fewer players playing, with the premise that the less people you’re up against, the more likely you are to win. However this is not always the best approach. At some venues like Lantern Club for example, bingo jackpots are calculated based on the number of cards in the game – so if there are fewer cards in play, the prize will be smaller. In this case you can choose to play in a larger game for the chance that if you do win bingo, you’ll win big. The strategy is in your hands.

How To Win At Bingo

  1. Get some advice from experienced bingo players

How To Always Win At Bingo Daubers

Talking to those who have been playing for many years will give you an idea of strategies they use to increase their chances. You can discuss the tips above and hear what they have to say about them. They may also be able to share with you their strategies for winning too. Like all new skills we learn throughout our lives, these insights will improve your game in a short period of time.

Where can I try my hand to win at bingo?

Of course, as has been mentioned, there is no way to predict what numbers are going to be called at any specific moment. There is no ‘sure way’ to win at bingo but you can increase your chances. So these theories are just that… theories. The number one tip you can be given to increase your chances of winning, is to stay alert. If you miss numbers you aren’t going to win, it’s that simple.
For a local game where you can learn and have fun at the same time, come down to Club Bingo at Lantern Club. Our friendly members will vie for great prizes on your choice of paper books or electronic PET devices
Bingo is played every Monday and Friday at 11am, with ticket sales starting from 10.30am. You’ll enjoy a standard 20 game set and the hugely popular jackpot sheet.
Players have a chance of winning Woolworths Wish gift cards, Lantern Club Reward Vouchers plus a range of grocery items and homewares. Plus our members can use their Reward Vouchers to purchase games.
© Lantern Club, Roselands