Poker Tournaments Colorado Springs

Poker Power Rankings as of January 2, 2021. Get On The List! © 2014-2017 All rights reserved. Pikes Peak Poker Homepage at Bar Poker Open. Date Time Players Venue 03/02 6:00 pm Detour Lounge - Colorado Springs, CO. If you are looking for the best Colorado poker tournaments in town, you are on the right place. All upcoming tournaments will be listed here and it is about the whole Colorado area including Colorado Springs and Denver. If you want to customize your search, you can filter the list by location, starting time, day, buy-in and game type.

Poker Etiquette

Colorado Springs Poker League is a friendly and safe place for good human beings to congregate and enjoy a night of decent poker. We are not a group of people who will tolerate inappropriate or disrespectful behavior. So, if you are looking for a place to get drunk and act like a jackass, there are plenty of free poker games at the local bars around the city.

However, if you are looking for a great group of like-minded people who all enjoy getting to know each other, playing No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em poker tournaments, and building friendships, you have found a great poker league. If you are responsible enough to conduct yourself in a respectful manner, alcohol is welcomed at our tournament tables unless the host of that particular event requests otherwise.

We understand that there are certainly different skill levels who come to our tournament tables, and you will need to respect that as well. Just because someone got “lucky” or didn’t play a hand the way that you think he/she “should” have, that doesn’t justify inappropriate, immature, or disrespectful behavior on your part. If your behavior is deemed inappropriate in any manner, the host of the game or one of the league administrators has the power to politely ask you to leave the game.

If you are asked to leave the game because of inappropriate behavior (including being perceived to be under the influence of drugs/alcohol), there will not be any “refund” of your tournament entry fee and you might not be allowed to participate in future league events.

Buy-In/League Dues

Poker Tournaments Colorado Springs Rv Parks

In order to join our No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament league, you only need to be invited and then show up to play! When you participate in your first event, you are automatically a standard member of the league and will begin to accrue points toward the “Main Event.”

There aren’t any extra league dues to join. The buy-in per tournament is $40 per entrant. Every player who participates in one of our league-sanctioned events has the opportunity to accrue points throughout the season. Every player will accrue at least one point for every tournament that he/she enters (this is the worst-case scenario, as points are awarded on a “Reverse Finish” basis).

Here is how the $40 Tournament Buy-In is broken down:

$33 is put into the pot for that event. This pot will be paid out to the winners of the event based on our league payout guidelines.

$1 goes to the “Bad Beat.” The Bad Beat is defined as a hand where one person has a full-house or better, and is beaten. HOWEVER, BOTH HOLE CARDS FROM BOTH PLAYERS (THE WINNING HAND AND THE LOSING HAND) HAVE TO PLAY. The Bad Beat is progressive, meaning that if nobody suffers a bad beat from the current tournament, then everybody’s $1 from that night is carried over to the next tournament. This carryover can continue for weeks upon end, meaning that the Bad Beat Pot can grow to become quite substantial. It’s imperative that you understand the rules of the “Bad Beat,” so please be sure to ask if you have any questions.

$1 goes toward the “Bounty.” The Bounty is the person who won the previous tournament. If you are the person who takes out the “Bounty,” you win everybody’s $1 from that tournament. For example, if George wins tournament #1, and Nancy knocks-out George in tournament #2, then Nancy would win $1 from everybody playing in tournament #2 that night. If George were to win tournament #2 as well, then he keeps the “Bounty” winnings from tournament #2 and is still the “Bounty” during the next league-sanctioned tournament.

$5 goes toward the Main Event Pot. The remaining $5 from every player’s $40 buy-in goes toward the Main Event Pot. These are the funds that will accrue throughout the season to build the payout for the Final Table Tournament (Main Event).

OPTIONAL MEMBERSHIP: Every player will have the option to voluntarily donate $5, $10, or $20 to become a recognized “Member” of the league. This is a way to support the league and help offset costs of running the league, like purchasing cards/chips, purchasing awards for the League Champions, etc. Members will be recognized on the league website and will get first right of refusal to join any of our upcoming league-sanctioned events.

Blinds Structure

Every participant in a league-sanctioned tournament will start the game with $2750.00 in chip value. (Each player may or may not have the chance to earn a “Bonus Chip” by arriving to the game by a certain time). The blinds will increase in 20-minute increments, as depicted in the following table:


Power-Ranking System

Our league awards an overall ranking system that takes 4 variables into account. Each of these four variables is NOT equally weighted. The four variables are:

1) Points% (individual points earned divided by total points awarded throughout season)

2) Win% (individual wins divided by total number of individual games played)

Poker Tournaments Colorado Springs 2019

3) Winnings% (individual winnings in dollars divided by total winnings paid out in dollars)

4) In the Money% (individual cashes divided by total number of individual games played)

Points% (55% of Overall PR Score)

Points % is calculated by taking the total number of points that you have accumulated throughout the season divided by the total number of points awarded for all players in the league throughout the season. This will tell you what percentage of the overall points you have personally earned. Points are accumulated on a “Reverse Finish” basis throughout the entire season. Every player who participates in a league-sanctioned tournament is eligible to accrue points. The maximum number of points to award to any single player during any given sanctioned tournament is equal to the total number of players for that particular tournament. For example, if 10 players play in the first tournament, the winner of that game will be awarded 10 points, second place will receive 9 points, third place will get 8 points, and so on until the last place (first one knocked-out of the tournament), who will receive 1 point for playing.

If there are 18 players in the second tournament, the winner of that game will receive 18 points, second place will be awarded 17 points, etc.

Win% (20% of Overall PR Score)

Win% is pretty straightforward… Basically you are dividing the number of times you won a tournament into the total number of tournaments you have participated in. If you play in 50 tournaments total, and win 5 of them, your Win% is going to be 10%. This variable counts for 20% of your overall Power Rank.

Winnings% (15% of Overall PR Score)

Winnings% is referring to the total amount of money that you have won divided into the total amount of money paid out to all members throughout the season. For example, if you have won a total of $500 and the league has paid out a total of $2,500, your Winnings% would be 5% ($500/$2,500). Winnings% accounts for 15% of your overall Power Rank.

Poker tournaments colorado springs colorado

In the Money% (10% of Overall PR Score)

In the Money% is referring to the total number of times you cashed versus the total number of games you have played throughout the season. If you played 50 tournaments, and cashed in 20 of them (placing high enough to win money for those tournaments), your In the Money% would be 40%. This variable accounts for 10% of your overall Power Rank.

At the end of the season, the top 9 power-ranked competitors over the entire season will be invited to the Main Event Final Table. In addition, one other qualified player will be selected at random to attend the Main Event and compete for the Main Event Pot. In order for any player, including the “Wild Card” entrant, to qualify for the Main Event, he/she must have participated in at least 50% of the total games played throughout the regular season. In the event that we have fewer than 10 “Qualified” participants for the Main Event, we will continue to play the Main Event with the number of players who are “Qualified” (assuming we have at least 5 qualified players).

The player with the highest power-rank at the end of the season will automatically become the dealer at the Main Event, as well as have the privilege to choose his/her seat. The second-highest ranked player will be able to choose his/her seat second, and third has choice of seat next, and so-on.

For every league-sanctioned tournament that is played by a player, he/she will earn $25 in bonus chips to start with at the Main Event (assuming that player is playing in the Main Event). For example, if a player has played 25 tournaments, he will automatically get an extra $625.00 in bonus chips to start the Main Event. If a different player has played 50 events, she will get an additional $1250.00 in bonus chips to start the Main Event.

Season Events

Only league-sanctioned tournaments will count toward the accrual of season points and be subject to league rules and guidelines. Each season will consist of a specified number of tournament events plus a Main Event at the end of the season. On average, CSPL meets every other Saturday; there will be an opportunity for two tournaments (Early Game and Late Game) during each Saturday night that we meet. Every once in awhile there is enough interest in a third tournament during the evening… This is completely optional and determined solely on generating enough interest to justify a third game in the evening.

If there aren’t enough players to warrant a league-sanctioned tournament (5), that tournament will be cancelled and no points or money will be awarded. If an unforeseen schedule conflict arises, or during inclement weather, and a tournament needs to be cancelled, league administrators may, at their sole discretion, reschedule the missed events.

Minimum/Maximum Table Size

In order for a tournament to be sanctioned by the league, there has to be at least 5 players who buy-in and begin that particular tournament. If there are fewer than five and players still want to play, a tournament/game can be held but it won’t be sanctioned by the league and therefore won’t count toward season points and/or payouts. Currently, our maximum number of players for any given tournament is 28 (but subject to rise if need be).

Bonus Chips

At the discretion of the host for any given EARLY tournament, players who arrive and are INSIDE the designated tournament area at least 5 minutes prior to the official start-time of the tournament may receive an additional Bonus Chip to add to his/her stack. The bonus chip will be worth $100-$500 in chip value. This will apply to the EARLY GAME ONLY, and will be subject to whether the host of that particular tournament wants to offer the Bonus Chip.

Dealing and Cutting

Poker Tournaments Colorado SpringsPoker tournaments colorado springs

Every player during a given tournament is expected to take his/her turn dealing. At the beginning of each tournament every player will draw a card from a pile that is face-down on the table. The person who draws the Ace will be the initial dealer for that particular tournament. The person who deals the 2 will be the small blind for the first hand, and the person who deals the 3 will be the initial big blind for the first hand. The rest of the players will fill in behind the big blind in numerical order based on which card was initially drawn by each player.

Poker Tournaments Colorado Springs

The dealer button moves clockwise around the table. When it is your turn to deal, you must offer the player to your right (behind the dealer button) the opportunity to cut the cards prior to dealing. If the player to your right is only a spectator and not a part of the game, find the first player to your right who is still in/participating and offer the cut.


Payouts for each individual tournament will include $33 from each player’s $40 buy-in. In addition, there is a “Bad Beat” and a “Bounty” up for grabs during each tournament as well. The following table will be the official payout based on each scenario regarding the number of players in a league-sanctioned tournament:

# of PlayersWinnerRunner-UpThird PlaceFourth PlaceFifth PlaceTotal Payout
21$312$173$104$69 $35$693
22$327$182$109$73 $36$726
23$342$190$114$76 $38$759
24$356$198$119$79 $40$792
25$371$206$124$83 $41$825
26$386$215$129$86 $43$858
27$401$223$134$89 $45$891
28$416$231$139$92 $46$924
29$431$239$144$96 $48$957
30$446$248$149$99 $50$990

All Rules Are Subject to Final Interpretation and/or Change as Deemed by League Administrators

Colorado is a place for poker totally. It offers a number of famous and really good poker tournaments and games that are regularly scheduled. These poker tournaments are known to be good moneymakers, especially for those who are well aware of the PTF strategy. If you like to play cards on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, you will be more than glad to know that you can easily find skill level 4 poker tournaments in Colorado with ease.

If you like your cards better on Sunday at noon, head over to Gilpin and hit them skill level 4 tournaments. They are opened on Wednesday at 7 pm as well. More or less, there is always a good selection of skill level 4 tournaments all over the week.

Watch this video on YouTube

In order to evaluate the tournaments at Midnight Rose in Cripple Creek, we need to have the complete information on the minutes and the blond structures if we are to do so. We even heard that there are some tournaments at both Bronco Billy and Gold Creek casinos but we could not get any further details so we cannot be particular.

There are no better poker tournaments than these in Colorado. If you are looking for high skill poker tournaments in no limit areas, you will find numerous occasions where you can enter a tournament every day or once a month, depends on a casino. Be careful when it comes to the high house fee on some of the tournaments downtown.

Bonus chips for rebuys

The best thing about Colorado is that you are allowed to purchase all rebuys at the beginning of each tournament. This is how you can get yourself some bonus chips. Because casinos decided to give the ability to all players to get bonuses, it is now possible to purchase all rebuys at the beginning.

There are numerous promotions from a casino to a casino. For example, the Gilpin offers a promo where you can play in all three tournaments for 100 bucks. If you pay for all three tournaments up front, a house rake is free of charge and you do not have to pay for it. The only deal is that you have to make it to the final table before or after the noon and before and after 3 pm tournament. If you do not make it, you risk being blinded out. This can be a downside but honestly, it is not.

Poker Tournaments Colorado Springs Golf

If you are looking for the best Colorado poker tournaments in town, you are on the right place. All upcoming tournaments will be listed here and it is about the whole Colorado area including Colorado Springs and Denver. If you want to customize your search, you can filter the list by location, starting time, day, buy-in and game type. If poker is your passion then Colorado is your town because here you’ll get nothing but the hardest poker tournaments with the most skillful players than anywhere in the world and that’s a fact.